So for the foundation of that, we think messages should be end-to-end encrypted and if you don’t need to keep them around, they should also disappear. It’s all built around private messages as the most important interaction people have. So a couple of years wrote this long note about our vision for building a private social platform. The site previously gave us an early look at an upcoming Disappearing Mode, but Zuckerberg now says the feature is about to land. WABetaInfo was offered an interview with Cathcart, carried out on WhatsApp, and was then surprised to see Zuckerberg join the chat.īut… something more unexpected happened… Mark Zuckerberg joins the group chat to confirm some features! It’s been almost two years since the first reliable rumor that there is a WhatsApp iPad app in the works, but the company has now dropped an official hint that this may finally be arriving in the coming months.Īn interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart also officially confirmed reports of a disappearing messages feature …